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uPVC doors & windows fixed across Rotherham

Burglary repairs Rotherham

If you’ve had a forced entry on a uPVC door and need the locks or handles replaced, ring us now for a fast response.

Lock snapping is on the rise

A growing problem within the Rotherham area is the snapping of the handles and locks on uPVC doors. uPVC Door Repairs Rotherham are able to replace your original handles and locks with pas 24 handles and anti-snap locks.

Conservatory door locks fitted in Doncaster

Secure your home with anti snap locks

Pas 24 handles are virtually unbreakable handles and create a visual deterrent to thieves. Anti-snap locks have been manufactured to stop the snapping of locks. They are also anti-bump, drill and pick as well. They are easily retrofitted to your existing door and make your hour home secure for the future.

Call uPVC Door Repairs Rotherham on 01709 630027 or 07766 088854 for advice and a free no obligation quote.

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